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Data sets

SocializeME This data set describes a data collection campaign and a dataset of BLE beacons for detecting and analysing human social interactions. The dataset has been collected by involving 15 volunteers that interacted in indoor environments for a total of 11 hours of activity. The dataset is released as a collection of CSV files with a timestamp, RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) and a unique identifier of the emitting and of the receiving devices.


Article describing the data set: here

Analysis of the data set:

Credits: Michele Girolami, Fabio Mavilia and Franca Delmastro

If you would like to use the data set, pleases consider the following papers in your work:

  • Michele Girolami, Fabio Mavilia, Franca Delmastro, A bluetooth low energy dataset for the analysis of social interactions with commercial devices, Data in Brief, Volume 32, 2020, 106102, ISSN 2352-3409,
  • Michele Girolami, Fabio Mavilia, Franca Delmastro, Sensing social interactions through BLE beacons and commercial mobile devices, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Volume 67, 2020, 101198, ISSN 1574-1192,
data-sets/start.1596695189.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-08-06 08:26 by michele