===== Bluetooth Feeder ===== The Bluetooth Feeder is an OSGi bundle designed to log BLE beacon messages. Specifically, the Bluetoot Feeder provides the following functionalities * Detect iBeacon, EddyStone, EddyStone TLM * Publish the beacon messages on the middleware * (optionally to test) write the beacon messages on a DB * log on a file the beacon messages * enable the USB dongle to send beacon messages The bundle requires to interact with a BLE USB dongle (detected via RXTX serial lib) through which the Bluetooth Feeder can listen for BLE messages. The Bluetooth Feeder interacts with the USB dongle by means of the bglib protocol[[https://github.com/SINTEF-9012/bglib/tree/master/bglib-protocol-1.0.3-43]] (provided by SINTEF). As soon as a new message is received, the Bluetooth Feeder parses and publishes it through the middleware API. The topic used for publishing the messages is: dataFeed/context/beaconX Where X is the ID of the receiving device (see below). The data feed describing the messages is: sender rssi packet_type ==== Installation ==== You need a BLE USB dongle plugged on the instance you are provisioning with the Bluetooth Feeder. * On windows OS: the USB dongle is usually recognized as COM port (ex: COM3) * On Unix OS: the USB dongle is added to the /dev dir (ex /dev/ttyACM0) Be sure the following MVN repositories are added on your karaf instnace http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/external@id=spring-ebr-repository@snapshots@noreleases, \ http://ala.isti.cnr.it:8081/nexus/content/repositories/wnlab-releases@id=wnlab-releases, \ http://ala.isti.cnr.it:8081/nexus/content/repositories/wnlab-snapshots@id=wnlab-snapshots@snapshots, \ http://maven.thingml.org/thingml-release/ Add the following feature URL on the Karaf console: feature:repo-add mvn:it.cnr.isti.sensorweaver.bluetooth/bluetooth-features/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features karaf@root()> feature:list | grep bluetooth bluetooth-feeder | 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT | x | Started | bluetooth1.0.0-SNAPSHOT | karaf@root()> Install the bluetooth-feeder feature: karaf@root()>feature:install bluetooth-feeder karaf@root()> WARNING: RXTX Version mismatch Jar version = RXTX-2.2pre2 native lib Version = RXTX-2.2pre3 Please not that, since the Bluetooth Feeder relies on a configuration file, such file might contain default settings not valid for you instance. If you need to update the configuration: - edit the file (KARAF_HOME/etc/it.cnr.isti.sensorweaver.bluetooth.bluetoothproducer.cfg - stop the bluetooth-feeder bundle - start the bluetooth-feeder bundle ==== Configuration ==== The installation of the Bluetooth Feeder deploys the following configuration file on the KARAF_HOME/etc folder it.cnr.isti.sensorweaver.bluetooth.bluetoothproducer.cfg With the following default settings: #Bluetooth dongle serial_port=COM3 (replace with the serial port bound with te USB dongle) #Logging #The ID used to build an unique topic, every instance must have a different ID) id_receiver = 0 #DB Not used, it is possibile to enable a db writer together with the middleware publisher enable_db_writer=false #jdbc_class=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc_class=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver db_connection=jdbc:mysql://gallina.isti.cnr.it/sniffer db_user=sniffer_user db_passwd=fyQ3V8tpoaMmImrl batch_size=1000 remove_file_after_upload=true #Sender properties: it is possibile to enable the dongle beaconing sender_enabled=false #adv frequency as range. Minimum advertisement interval in units of 625us Range: 0x20 to 0x4000 Default: 0x200 (320ms) adv_interval_min=300 adv_interval_max=340 #power of transmission tx_power=15 #Type of beacon sent beacon_type=iBeacon #Settings for EddyStone beacon format #Eddystone frame_type: UUID, TLM, URL frame_type=UUID # EddystoneUUID namespace_id=2f234454f4911ba9ffa6 instance_id=15 #Settings of iBeacon format # iBeacon uuid=ef977fc020c64e1c9141f6dd2eeb7e49 major=0 minor=10