====== Indoor localisation and body posture identification ====== The research activity is carried out by Pietro CassarĂ  joined to the group of WnLab since 01/12/2012 as post-doc. The activity is carried out jointly with the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa. The research is supported by the POR ESF Tuscany Region's funding to develop localizzation frameworks within the National project entitled "User Location and activity systems in Ambient Assisted Living (PostulocAAL)" The first step of our research has been provided a survey on existing algorithms used in the device-free passive localization in indoor environment. In particular, the algorithms that using a Bayesian approach or a Radio tomographic approach has been studied. These kind of algorithms can locate a target within an area, through measures of the RSSI collected by sensors based on radio protocol such as the 802.15. On the basis of this investigation were implemented algorithms which perform these methods. Hence the [[postuloca:comparison|comparison]] of the methods' performances has been achieved to identify strengths and weaknesses of investigated methods. Furthermore, these algorithms will be useful to test the efficiency of our localization methods, proposed in the course of this research activity. Detailed literature abut both methods can be found in the section [[postuloca:literature|literature]]. ==== FIRB 2013=== * The submitted project named {{:postuloca:file.pdf|RAMESSE}} is within the National Founding for young researchers. The RAMESSE research project aims to study the behavior of agents in mobility as well as the resources typology distribution involved in the Context/Location awareness services. ==== PRIN ==== * [[modelloB-CNR|Modello B]] Unit of Research CNR at Pisa ==== Papers ==== * Paper on analysis of the localization algorithm's performance for data acquisition over single and multiple channels; International Conference IPIN 2013(accepted); {{:postuloca:paper_ipin2013.pdf|}}; presentazione {{:postuloca:slides_ipin.ppt|}} * Paper on mumerical localization methods applayed to morphology reconstruction of biological micro-structures; JCAM Elsevier (accepted); {{:postuloca:cam-d-13-00249_r3.pdf|}} * Paper on localization limits accepted for APS 2009: {{:postuloca:aps-2.tex|latex source}}, {{:postuloca:aps-2.pdf|pdf}}, {{:postuloca:aps.odp|presentation}} ==== FIRB 2013=== * The submitted project named {{:postuloca:file.pdf|RAMESSE}} is within the National Founding for young researchers. The RAMESSE research project aims to study the behavior of agents in mobility as well as the resources typology distribution involved in the Context/Location awareness services. ==== PRIN ==== * [[modelloB-CNR|Modello B]] Unit of Research CNR at Pisa